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E2E testing using Cypress

Faculty of Computer Applications
Contact No.
Start Date
17/04/2021 05:00 PM
End Date
17/04/2021 07:00 PM
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The purpose of this webinar was to edify the holistic development of the students with the perspective for the needs of academia and industry. By such a kind of webinar students benefited by the learning opportunities of the tool for testing front end modern web applications with the technical expertise. The contents of the webinar practiced by the students can make impact on academic/career success and consequential perseverance; and further provide pathways to assist in their identity development through proactive actions.
Question/Answer Session:
Participants were offered the opportunity to present their questions and doubts related with the contents of the webinar using Cypress. The expert has covered all the questions raised by the attendees and simplified the discussion by his tremendously rich information and experience related with the contents.
The intention of this webinar was advancement of the knowledge and technical skill expansion for the students with the Cypress front end testing tool and demonstration of all significant topographies. All the participants from the several institutes across the country had attended the webinar and were benefited by the professional expertise and also had received the certificate as a successful completion of the training. The Question- Answer session by the expert had covered all confusion and queries related with the contents of the webinar and also contributed useful tip and techniques to refine the skill for the additional development and made the webinar successful.
