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Women Development cell

Purpose and functions

To facilitate a gender-sensitive and congenial working environment at DCS so that women at the workplace are not subjected to gender-specific discrimination or sexual harassment.

What constitutes harassment?

Any unwelcome sexually determined behavior (physical, verbal, or any other form) which violates a woman's dignity and interferes with her ability to operate freely on campus). Harassment would also include gender-based discriminatory behavior.

Who can approach the Cell?

Any female student from the Institute of DCS.

How to lodge a Complaint?

The person concerned can personally approach/ write an e-mail to any member of the cell. The name of the complainant will be kept CONFIDENTIAL.

Students can contact of the below-mentioned faculties:

         Dr. Krupa Bhavsar (

Guidelines for protection from sexual harassment:

1.      To advise female students from time to time in matters of sexual harassment.

2.      To prepare detailed guidelines relating to what would constitute sexual harassment and other acts that affect the dignity of women for dealing with complaints.

3.      To deal with complaints received or referred to the cell in respect of all kinds of harassment to women.

4.      Self-defense training for women studying and working on campus through tie-ups with training institutions / NGOs should be made a mandatory component of extra-curricular activities.

5.      Action will be immediately initiated only after written complaint logging/reporting. or